Science/Technology/STEM activities for children.
Best buy offers Geek Squad activities for kids ages 10-18. Check out the main webpage at this link, and then explore the website. Their most recent entry explores how to use Godot, a free gaming engine. Click here for that entry.
Science Sparks provides science-themed activities for kids online. Much of the content is free, but not all of it. The free content is fun, and uses items you may already have at home. They just posted Santa Stem Challenges, with several challenges that can be done easily at home, although maybe with a bit of help from an adult. Here is a link to the main webpage.
Did you know that Microsoft offers free online classes in a variety of subjects? Many are designed for kids, including coding and digital games including Minecraft. Adults can take classes on subjects like Excel or doing a PC tune up. Check this link to see what interests you.
Hour of Code is an organization dedicated to helping kids learn how to do coding. The website has hundreds of coding activities, grouped by ages. Kids are encouraged to start a their own activities at school or at home--some don't even require a computer. There is lots of good information on their website.…